hei👋 I'm anand

Co-founder of Zyadha

I'm a self-taught developer and an aspiring entrepreneur who's all about taking on the impossible. You know, the kind of person who loves diving headfirst into tech challenges. Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I'm glad you're here.

Me speaking on stage at Gen AI buildathon in banglore
Just a casual photo of me
Me , jeff and jamal winning the przize at gen ai buildathon
Me and my friend at a hackathon working
me speaking in a stage
me in kashmmir , india

I got my start in programming when I decided to build a Sudoku solver just to beat my friends at the game. Little did I know that this small project would spark my lifelong passion for coding and problem-solving.

I'm really into AI and machine learning particualry building low level AI systems, and I enjoy working on things like LLM interfaces and data visualisers. I'm also pretty good at web development, both on the front-end and back-end. In my free time, I'm a big fan of chess - it's a fun way to challenge my brain.

I'm always on the lookout for exciting projects that tickle my brain. If you've got a cool idea that makes me say, "Wow, that's kinda cool!" I'm all ears and ready to dive in.

*random threejs statue*